Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. Best Practices for Gathering Informed Consent and the Content of Consent Forms. Effective January 2018. 4 This, of course, would need to be adapted for consent forms received electronically. There should be one consent form for each person whose PI or PHI is involved. 4. Consent forms should include the specific names of the involved parties that will be collecting or disclosing the PI or PHI (need-to-know principle). Consent forms should have the name of the sending party and the name of the party that will receive it. This ensures that the scope of the collection and disclosure is limited to the individuals identified. Option: Consider using a ‘teach back’ method whereby individuals repeat back their understanding of the consent form. This will lead to correction of misunderstandings or missing information. More Information About Consent For more information about consent, please see the following resources on the IPC website: • Blog: Access and Privacy Rights of Minors Online • Blog: Who signs for a child? Contact Information If you have any questions or concerns regarding consent, please contact us: Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner 306-787-8350 | toll free 1-877-748-2298 503 – 1801 Hamilton Street Regina SK S4P 4B4 | | @SaskIPC