Best Practices for Mayors, Reeves, et al.

Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. Best Practices for Mayors, Reeves, Councillors and School Board Members. Effective 27 Dec. 2017. Updated 02 Oct. 2023. 1 Best Practices for Mayors, Reeves, Councillors and School Board Members Mayors, Reeves, Councilors and School Board members (Elected Officials) who handle personal information may not realize that this information is required to be protected under The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (LA FOIP). The Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner has developed this document to assist Elected Officials in protecting the personal information that they collect. Before proceeding, it is important to understand in what limited circumstances LA FOIP may apply to certain information or records. What is a Record LA FOIP applies to information recorded in any form in the possession or under the control of a local authority. Subsection 2(1)(j) of LA FOIP describes a record as: “record” means a record of information in any form and includes information that is written, photographed, recorded or stored in any manner, but does not include computer programs or other mechanisms that produce records. Municipalities and school boards are local authorities pursuant to LA FOIP. If the Elected Official of the local authority is engaged in carrying out the mandate or functions of the local authority, then LA FOIP most likely will apply to any information/records collected or generated while performing these duties. However, LA FOIP would not apply to records of Elected Officials if those are collected or generated in the course of conducting constituency business or political activities. The second consideration is to determine if the records contain personal information. What is Personal Information For a full definition of what is considered personal information, see subsection 23(1) of LA FOIP. To qualify as personal information, two components must exist: 1. The information must be about an identifiable individual.