Best Practices for Mayors, Reeves, et al.

Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. Best Practices for Mayors, Reeves, Councillors and School Board Members. Effective 27 Dec. 2017. Updated 02 Oct. 2023. 4 Use and Disclosure Personal information shall not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with the consent of the individual or as required by law. Local authorities and Elected Officials must abide by the need-to-know principle which stipulates that personal information should only be available to those individuals in an organization that have a legitimate need to know that information for the purpose of delivering their authorized services. Individual Access When personal information is collected or generated with an organization, individuals should be able to request access to view their information or obtain a copy upon request. They should be informed whether personal information about them exists how it is used and disclosed. If the individual believes there is inaccuracies in their personal information, they should be able to request it be corrected. Retention Periods Once the purpose for which the information was being collected has been fulfilled, the personal information should be disposed of, unless otherwise required to be retained by law. With respect to records retention and disposal schedules, Elected Officials may want to consult with the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan. Contact information for the Board is available on its website, The Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan ( A record retention and disposal schedule prescribe requirements for the length of time private record(s) of an Elected Official must be retained and the appropriate means of disposal at the end of its lifecycle. It is a best practice to develop a record retention and disposal schedule for your office to ensure that you have a list of all personal information that you have collected as well as knowing when you can delete such information. If again the records you have are related to the local authorities’ business, then its record retention practices apply instead. Elected Officials that have collected personal information should destroy the sensitive information as soon as they no longer require it or once the file is closed.