Flip These Resources

Flip These Resources A guide to using flipbooks Step 1: Flip the page by clicking on this icon to the right of this cover page

Here we go…..much better. This is a flipbook. See, doesn’t it look so much nicer? Wouldn’t this make you more excited to read about access and privacy issues? If this is the first time you have seen a flipbook, the instructions below are images taken from The Rules of Procedure flipbook found here and will assist with navigating through this resource and how to use some of the built in tools. The top tool bar will show the name of the document you are currently viewing as well as the pages as seen below. Look at the tool bar for this resource, it should say flip these resources and show you the page number you are viewing and total number of pages. To the far right of the tool bar there will be a search icon that looks like this: The search icon is where you can type in keywords or phrases to search for within the resource. The colors shown in the toolbar may change depending on the resource and whether I want to flex my creative muscles. I really do get to have fun at work sometimes. If you require an accessible pdf, you will be able to access this on the main page where the flipbook will be stored. In the toolbar below the flipbook, you will see various icons: The first icon will bring up a table of contents in the left hand margin and the second icon will show you thumbnails in the margin. Go ahead and test it and I will wait here….. The third icon will bring up the ability to add notes. 1 2 3 1 2

You can add a note using this icon or by clicking on to the right of the flipbook. Be aware that notes are only visible to the person who created them. Therefore, every time you open the flipbook, the notes you created will be there unless you open it in a different browser or delete your browser cookies/history. To delete a note, simply click on the note icon in the flipbook, a list will appear in the left margin with all the notes you have created that will look something like this: Once you select the note you wish to delete, a pop up of that note will appear and you can send it to the trash. Once you are done with this click on the turn page icon to flip to the next page or enter the page number in the top toolbar to go to the page you want to access. 3

The three middle icons located in this same toolbar include the ability to share, print and download and the icons on the far right are for your sound, zooming in and out and switching to full screen. Hyperlinks within the flipbook are still highlighted so you can see where there may be additional resources referenced. Just simply hover over them and click and you will be taken on a new journey, well a new reading journey but those can still be exciting right? Our office hopes that you find the transition from the traditional pdf document to flipbooks more interactive and user friendly with a splash of creative flair. If you encounter any issues with any of our flipbooks, please send an email to webmaster@oipc.sk.ca and we will do our best to address them.