Guide to FOIP-Chapter 4

Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. Guide to FOIP, Chapter 4, Exemptions from the Right of Access. Updated 8 April 2024. 229 disclosure”.790 Furthermore, a distinction must be drawn between actual contractual negotiations and the daily business operations of a third party.791 When determining whether disclosure could interfere with contractual or other negotiations of a third party, the following questions can be asked to assist:792 • What negotiations would be affected by disclosure. • Are these negotiations ongoing. • Have the negotiations been concluded. • What stage are the negotiations at. • How long have they been going on. • What is the subject matter of the negotiations. • How would disclosure specifically interfere with the negotiations. • Does the information relate to an outstanding issue in the negotiations. If so, how would disclosure interfere with negotiations on this issue. • Does the information relate to issues already resolved in the negotiations. • Would disclosure cause the issue to be reopened. Why. • Would it otherwise interfere with negotiations. How. • Is the information current. How old is the information. • Does it relate to events prior to the negotiations. • Does the other side of the negotiations already have this information. If not, have they asked for it. • Is the information commonly known in the industry. • Is the information reasonably available elsewhere. If so, how would disclosure interfere with negotiations.793 Examples of information to which this exemption may apply include negotiating positions, options, instructions, pricing criteria and points used in negotiations. 790 Société Gamma Inc. v. Canada (Department of the Secretary of State), (April 27, 1994), T-1587-93, T1588-93 (F.C.T.D.) at [10]. 791 Canada (Information Commissioner) v. Canada (Minister of External Affairs) (T.D.), [1990] 3 FC 665, 1990 CanLII 7951 (FC) at [24]. 792 Adapted from Information Commissioner of Canada resource, Investigator’s Guide to Interpreting the Act, Section 20(1)(c) & (d): Questions. Available at Accessed August 29, 2019. 793 Information Commissioner of Canada, Investigator’s Guide to Interpreting the Act, Section 20(1)(c)&(d): Questions, available at Accessed July 19, 2019.