Guide to FOIP Chapter-5

Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner. Guide to FOIP, CHAPTER 5, Third Party Information. Updated 9 March 2023. 105 2) Government institution decides to give full or partial access. The notices must: • State that the government institution has decided to grant full or partial access to the record. • Include information about the third party’s right to request a review by the Commissioner within 20 days of the notice of decision being given pursuant to section 49 of FOIP. • State that the applicant will be given access within 20 days from when the notice of decision is given unless a review is requested by the third party.230 For a sample model letter231 see the Ministry of Justice, Access and Privacy Branch’s sample titled, 16 Notification to Third Party under Sec 37 – Decision of Government Institution and 17 Notification to Applicant under section 37 – Decision of Government Institution. Third parties should not be told who the applicant is at any point in the process.232 Subsection 37(2)(a) Decision 37(2) A notice given pursuant to clause(1)(b) is to include: (a) a statement that the third party and applicant are entitled to request a review pursuant to section 49 within 20 days after the notice is given; and … The notice of decision should contain the following elements: 1. A statement that the third party and the applicant are entitled to request a review by the Commissioner pursuant to section 49 of FOIP within 20 days after the notice of decision is given (s 37(2)(a)); and 230 Adapted from British Columbia Government Services, FOIPPA Policy and Procedures Manual at Section 24 - Time limit and notice of decision - Province of British Columbia ( Accessed Sept. 1, 2022. 231 For other samples of model letters by the Access and Privacy Branch, Ministry of Justice see publications. 232 Les Viandes du Breton Inc. v. Canada (Canadian Food Inspection Agency), 2006 FC 1075 (CanLII) at [13] and [19].