Guide to FOIP Chapter-5

Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner. Guide to FOIP, CHAPTER 5, Third Party Information. Updated 9 March 2023. 51 Agricultural Corporation of Saskatchewan (ACS), which was a prescribed Crown corporation under FOIP at the time. Finally, that the records detailed proposed shares for debt transactions, as well as the loans owed AFEF by two third parties. The Commissioner found that although some of the records qualified as a statement of financial assistance, the Ministry did not identify which third party benefited from the financial assistance. As such, the Commissioner found that the Ministry had not met the burden of proof in demonstrating that subsection 19(1)(e) of FOIP applied to the records. In Review Report F-2014-002, the Commissioner considered subsection 19(1)(e) of FOIP. An applicant made an access to information request to Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC) for cultivated and seeded acres claimed by tenants on the applicant’s land between 2001 and 2010 SCIC responded to the applicant indicating that the information was being withheld citing several provisions including subsection 19(1)(e) of FOIP. Upon review, the SCIC asserted that the SCIC was a prescribed Crown corporation. Furthermore, the information related to financial assistance provided by SCIC to an Operator. The Commissioner found that no portion of the Seeded Acreage Reports appeared to be a statement of financial assistance. As such, the Commissioner found that subsection 19(1)(e) of FOIP did not apply. Subsection 19(1)(f) Third party information 19(1) Subject to Part V and this section, a head shall refuse to give access to a record that contains: … (f) information supplied by a third party to support an application for financial assistance mentioned in clause (e). (2) A head may give access to a record that contains information described in subsection (1) with the written consent of the third party to whom the information relates. (3) Subject to Part V, a head may give access to a record that contains information described in subsection (1) if: (a) disclosure of that information could reasonably be expected to be in the public interest as it relates to public health, public safety or protection of the environment; and