Guide to FOIP Chapter-5

Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner. Guide to FOIP, CHAPTER 5, Third Party Information. Updated 9 March 2023. 3 expiry of the 20 days for third party representation) The section 7 decision to the applicant can be combined with the section 37 response for efficiency. 4. Request for Review of Decision (subsections 37(2)(b), 49(3) & 49(4)) Within 20 days after Notice of Decision for third party. Within one year after Notice of Decision for applicant. 5. Access to the Record (subsection 37(3)) 20 days after Notice of Decision, if no request for review by third party, the records may be released to the applicant. Check with IPC to see if a request for review has been received by the IPC. 6. Report of Commissioner (section 55) If a review is requested by the applicant, a Review Report by the Commissioner will be issued. This may take several months to be issued. 7. Decision of Head (section 56) 30 days after issuance of Commissioner’s Review Report. 8. Appeal to Court (section 57) 30 days after receipt of Decision of the Head. 9.