Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. Guide to FOIP, Chapter 6, Protection of Privacy. Updated 27 February 2023. 265 Subsection 29(4) Disclosure of personal information 29(4) Subject to any other Act or regulation, the Provincial Archivist may release personal information that is in the possession or under the control of the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan where, in the opinion of the Provincial Archivist, the release would not constitute an unreasonable invasion of privacy. Subsection 29(4) of FOIP permits the Provincial Archivist to release personal information where the release would not constitute an unreasonable invasion of privacy. The Provincial Archivist must be of the opinion that the release would not constitute an unreasonable invasion of privacy. Therefore, there is discretion on the part of the Provincial Archivist whether to disclose. For this provision to apply, the personal information must be in the possession or under the control of the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan. See Section 5: Records in the “possession” or “control” of a government institution, in the Guide to FOIP, Chapter 1: “Purposes and Scope of FOIP for more on determining possession and control. Provincial Archivist of Saskatchewan is responsible for providing professional and strategic leadership and direction to all areas of the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan. The Provincial Archivist reports to the Board of Directors for the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan.720 The Provincial Archivist serves as the Board’s Secretary and is the representative to the province. The Provincial Archivist advises the Board and recommends actions to achieve the Board’s vision and mission.721 The Provincial Archivist is appointed by the Board of Directors for the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan pursuant to section 17 of The Archives and Public Records Management Act. Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan is the provincial agency responsible for acquiring, preserving and making available public (government) and private records of significance to 720 Government of Saskatchewan website, available at Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan Appoints Provincial Archivist | News and Media | Government of Saskatchewan. 721 Association of Canadian Archivists, job posting, available at Association of Canadian Archivists - Provincial Archivist, Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan (PAS), Deadline: June 9, 2021.