Guide to LA FOIP-Chapter 1

Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. Guide to LA FOIP, Chapter 1, Purposes and Scope of LA FOIP. Updated 7 March 2023. 8 (xvii) any board, commission or other body that: (A) receives more than 50% of its annual budget from the Government of Saskatchewan or a government institution; and (B) is prescribed; Subsection 2(1)(f) of LA FOIP defines a local authority. Any body or organization that fits under this definition is subject to LA FOIP. Local authorities include, among other bodies, municipalities, boards of public libraries, boards of education, police services, universities, colleges, the provincial health authority, or affiliate. Subsections 2(f)(v) and (xvii) of LA FOIP use the phrase “is prescribed…”. The meaning of this can be found at subsection 2(i) of LA FOIP which provides: 2 In this Act: … (i) “prescribed” means prescribed in the regulations; Therefore, for subsections 2(f)(v) and 2(f)(xvii) of LA FOIP, a body that is prescribed means any body listed in Parts I and II of The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Regulations (LA FOIP Regulations). To further this, subsections 3(1) and 3(2) of the LA FOIP Regulations indicates bodies listed in Parts I and II of the Appendix are prescribed as local authorities. For purposes of subsection 2(f)(iv) of LA FOIP, a “committee of a council”, includes a board as defined in The Police Act, 1990.13 13 See subsection 2(2) of The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Regulations, RRS c L-27.1 Reg 1.