Guide to LA FOIP-Chapter 1

Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. Guide to LA FOIP, Chapter 1, Purposes and Scope of LA FOIP. Updated 7 March 2023. 35 Subsection 4(b) Existing rights preserved 4 This Act: … (b) does not in any way limit access to the type of information or records that is normally available to the public; LA FOIP does not limit access to information or records that the public would normally have access to. IPC Findings In Review Report 122-2014, the Commissioner considered the Village of Lebret’s application of subsection 18(1)(c) of LA FOIP to deny access to records. The Commissioner determined that if the Village could rely on subsection 18(1)(c) of LA FOIP it would be preventing access to information that would normally be available to the public pursuant to subsection 117(1)(a) of The Municipalities Act. Further, this would be contrary to subsection 4(b) of LA FOIP. Subsection 4(c) Existing rights preserved 4 This Act: … (c) does not limit the information otherwise available by law to a party to litigation; LA FOIP does not limit access to information otherwise available by law to parties to litigation. Litigation is the process of carrying on a lawsuit.64 64 Garner, Bryan A., 2009. Black’s Law Dictionary, Deluxe 10th Edition. St. Paul, Minn.: West Group at p. 1075.