Guide to LA FOIP-Chapter 3

Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. Guide to LA FOIP, Chapter3, Access to Records. Updated 5 May 2023. 138 To proceed, the Commissioner needs sufficient information and evidence that a breach of privacy may have occurred. When making the complaint, the following should be provided to the IPC: 1. A written complaint to the Commissioner: a. include details of the alleged breach; and b. attach any evidence that supports the complaint. 2. A copy of the response from the local authority or indication that a response was not provided within a reasonable period (i.e., 30 calendar days). 3. A copy of the original complaint submitted to the local authority and any supporting evidence of the breach. For more on the role and authorities of the Commissioner see, Guide to LA FOIP, Chapter 2: “Administration of LA FOIP”, Information and Privacy Commissioner – Roles & Responsibilities. For more on the IPC process for an investigation, see The Rules of Procedure. Subsection 38(1)(b) Application for review 38(1) Where: … (b) a head fails to respond to an application for access to a record within the required time; or … the applicant or individual may apply in the prescribed form and manner to the commissioner for a review of the matter. Subsection 38(1)(b) of LA FOIP provides that an applicant can request a review if the local authority fails to respond to an access to information request within the required time. The required time is either the initial 30 days or the extended maximum 60 days.