Guide to LA FOIP-Chapter 3

Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. Guide to LA FOIP, Chapter3, Access to Records. Updated 5 May 2023. 162 1. Are the requests for access or correction repetitious or systematic? Repetitious requests are requests that are made two or more times.269 Systematic requests are those made according to a method or plan of acting that is organized and carried out according to a set of rules or principles.270 It includes a pattern of conduct that is regular or deliberate.271 The following factors should be considered: • Are the requests repetitious (does the applicant ask more than once for the same records or information or for the same information to be corrected). • Are the requests similar in nature or do they stand alone as being different. • Do previous requests overlap to some extent. • Are the requests close in their filing time. • Does the applicant continue to engage in a determined effort to request the same information (an important factor in finding whether requests are systematic, is to determine whether they are repetitious). • Is there a pattern of conduct on the part of the applicant in making the repeated requests that is regular or deliberate. • Does the applicant methodically request records or information in many areas of interest over extended time periods, rather than focusing on accessing specific records or information of identified events or matters. • Has the applicant requested records or information of various aspects of the same issue. • Has the applicant made a number of requests related to matters referred to in records already received. • Does the applicant follow up on responses received by making further requests. • Does the applicant question the content of records received by making further access requests. • Does the applicant question whether records or information exist when told they do not. • Can the requests be seen as a continuum of previous requests rather than in isolation.272 269 BC IPC Order F10-01 at [16]. 270 BC IPC Order F13-18 at [23]. 271 AB IPC Request to Disregard F2019-RTD-01 at p. 9. 272 NB IPC Interpretation Bulletin, Section 15 – Permission to disregard access request.