Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. Guide to LA FOIP, Chapter3, Access to Records. Updated 5 May 2023. 11 personal information and personal health information of its customers and third parties collected without the requisite authority within 60 days. Requests Not on “Form A” Applicants do not have to submit an access to information request on Form A for it to be considered a request under LA FOIP. A request need only be in writing and include the elements found on Form A to be a valid request under LA FOIP. Form A includes: • First and last name. • Name of organization or company (if applicable). • Mailing address. • Telephone number. • Email address. • The type of information being requested (personal or general). • The local authority the request is being made to. • The records being requested. • The time period of the request. • Signature of the applicant. The Legislation Act establishes general rules that govern the interpretation of all statutory instruments in the province of Saskatchewan. Section 2-26 of The Legislation Act provides that it is not mandatory for an individual to use a prescribed form provided certain criteria are met: 2-26 If an enactment requires the use of a specified form, deviations from the form do not invalidate a form used if: (a) the deviations do not affect the substance; (b) the deviations are not likely to mislead; and (c) the form used is organized in the same way or substantially the same way as the form the use of which is required.16 16 The Legislation Act, SS 2019, c L-10.2 at subsection 2-26.