Guide to LA FOIP-Chapter 3

Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. Guide to LA FOIP, Chapter3, Access to Records. Updated 5 May 2023. 191 Open government is a governing culture that holds the public has the right to access the documents and proceedings of local authorities to allow for greater openness, accountability, and engagement.339 Open data is the idea that data should be freely available for everyone to access, use and republish as they wish, published without restrictions from copyright, patents or other mechanisms of control. Public sector information made available to the public as open data is termed ‘Open Government Data’.340 In Canada, the access to information and privacy commissioners are advocates for open government and promote the paradigm shift from reactive to proactive disclosure, and ultimately to open government.341 Examples of open data or active dissemination by local authorities in Saskatchewan include: • City of Regina Open Data website; • City of Saskatoon Open Data Portal. For more on routine disclosure and active dissemination, see the Guide to LA FOIP, Chapter 2, “Administration of LA FOIP” at Local Authorities - Roles & Responsibilities, Routine Disclosure & Active Dissemination. 339 Government of Canada, Open Data 101, 2017, available at 340 Open Government Partnership, Open Government Guide, at p. 197. Available at 341 Resolution of Canada’s Access to Information and Privacy Commissioners, September 1, 2010. Cited in SK OIPC Investigation Report LA-2012-002 at [68].