Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. Guide to LA FOIP, Chapter3, Access to Records. Updated 5 May 2023. 33 When an individual first contacts a local authority, reasonable efforts to assist could include the following: • Make sure the individual is redirected to the ‘right person’ (i.e., LA FOIP Coordinator). • Discuss whether the request can be accommodated outside the formal process: o Can this information be routinely released. o Have the records sought been released previously through an earlier access to information request. o Does the applicant only want an answer to a question and not access to records. o Is there another Act or administrative process that provides a right of access. o Is the information being sought available publicly online or in a local authority publication? If it is, direct the applicant where to look. • Would another local authority or government institution be better able to assist the applicant. If so, the request may be transferred in certain cases. • Provide information about records in the local authority’s possession or control. • Provide copies of the prescribed form or accept written requests that contain all the necessary elements. • Explain the access to information processes to the applicant including: o That the applicant’s identity will only be shared on a need-to-know basis. o Any pertinent timeframes. o What is required if identity needs to be authenticated. o What is required if a fee waiver is requested. o If and why consent is required in certain circumstances. o Methods of access to records (i.e., view or receive a copy). o Any fees estimated. o Extensions. o The right to request a review by the Commissioner’s office if dissatisfied.58 For further guidance on the duty to assist, see IPC resource, Understanding the Duty to Assist: A Guide for Public Bodies. 58 SK OIPC, Resource, Understanding the Duty to Assist: A Guide for Public Bodies, January 2018, at p. 3.