Guide to LA FOIP-Chapter 3

Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. Guide to LA FOIP, Chapter3, Access to Records. Updated 5 May 2023. 71 However, any format will be accepted provided it is clear what is withheld and what exemptions are being relied upon for each item severed. If including multiple exemptions to a sentence or a paragraph, local authorities should indicate which portion of the sentence or paragraph the individual exemption(s) is being applied. For more on how to sever, see IPC Webinar, Modern Age Severing Made a Lot Easier. IPC Findings In Review Report 156-2017 and 264-2017, it appeared to the Commissioner that the Rural Municipality of Manitou Lake (the RM) took a blanket approach in applying several exemptions with little explanations as to how the exemptions applied. The RM was required to sever those portions of the record that may qualify for a mandatory or discretionary exemption, which would have taken a thorough line-by-line analysis. The RM did not appear to have done this, nor did the RM provide the applicant with a detailed Index of Records or a description of the records withheld. The Commissioner found that the RM’s actions, as a result, were not consistent with section 8 of LA FOIP. In Review Report F-2006-003, the Commissioner addressed issues with severing in a review involving the Ministry of Justice. The Commissioner noted that though severing of line items was apparent, each severed item lacked a notation indicating which exemption(s) applied in each instance. The Commissioner commented on the requirements of section 8 of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). The Commissioner indicated that the duty to sever means that any exemption claimed by a government institution must be clearly linked to the appropriate lines in the document being severed. Section 9: Fee Fee 9(1) An applicant who is given notice pursuant to clause 7(2)(a) is entitled to obtain access to the record on payment of the prescribed fee. (2) Where the amount of fees to be paid by an applicant for access to records is greater than a prescribed amount, the head shall give the applicant a reasonable estimate of the amount, and the applicant shall not be required to pay an amount greater than the estimated amount. (3) Where an estimate is provided pursuant to subsection (2), the time within which the head is required to give written notice to the applicant pursuant to subsection 7(2) is