Guide to LA FOIP-Chapter 4

Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. Guide to LA FOIP, Chapter 4, Exemptions from the Right of Access. Updated 18 Oct 2023. 102 Records that would permit the drawing of accurate inferences with respect to the substance of deliberations of the meeting could also qualify. Meeting means an assembly or gathering at which the business of the local authority is considered. It includes both the meeting in its entirety and/or a portion of a meeting.383 The local authority should be able to identify the meeting that took place including the date, location, participants, purpose of the meeting etc. The meeting can be a meeting of the local authority’s council, one of its boards, commissions, other bodies or committees of the local authority. 2. Are the matters discussed of a nature that the records could be refused under Parts III or IV of LA FOIP? In order to qualify, the local authority must demonstrate that the agenda and/or substance of the deliberations would qualify for one or more of the exemptions under Part III of LA FOIP or that the information could be refused pursuant to Part IV (personal information) of LA FOIP. Part III of LA FOIP contains 10 exemptions: • Section 13 (records from other governments); • Section 14 (law enforcement and investigations); • Section 15 (documents of a local authority); • Section 16 (advice from officials); • Section 17 (economic and other interests); • Section 18 (third party business information); • Section 19 (testing procedures, tests, and audits); • Section 20 (danger to health or safety); • Section 21 (solicitor-client privilege); and • Section 22 (confidentiality provisions in other enactments). The local authority can consider these exemptions to see if they apply to the agenda or the substance of the deliberations. This guide provides all of the definitions and tests relevant for these exemptions. For section 22, see the Guide to LA FOIP, Chapter 1, “Purposes and Scope of LA FOIP.” Part IV of LA FOIP contains the rules around the protection of personal information. Section 23 of LA FOIP defines personal information, and the remainder of the sections breaks down the rules around collection, use, disclosure, safeguarding, retention and destruction of 383 Service Alberta, FOIP Guidelines and Practices: 2009 Edition, Chapter 4, p. 173.