Guide to LA FOIP-Chapter 4

Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. Guide to LA FOIP, Chapter 4, Exemptions from the Right of Access. Updated 18 Oct 2023. 91 Reveal means to make known; cause or allow to be seen.353 Security means a state of safety or physical integrity. The security of a building includes the safety of its inhabitants or occupants when they are present in it. Examples of information relating to security include methods of transporting or collecting cash in a transit system, plans for security systems in a building, patrol timetables or patterns for security personnel, and the access control mechanisms and configuration of a computer system.354 Method means a mode of organizing, operating, or performing something. Other structures or systems includes computer and communication systems. An example of a communication system could be radio communication systems such as two-way radios. The local authority must demonstrate that the information in the record is information that would reveal security methods employed to protect particular vehicles, buildings, other structures or systems to meet this part of the test. A local authority cannot rely on subsection 14(1)(m) of LA FOIP for a record that: a) Provides a general outline of the structure or programs of a law enforcement agency; or b) Reports, by means of statistical analysis or otherwise, on the degree of success achieved in a law enforcement program (see subsection 14(2) of LA FOIP). IPC Findings In Review Report 037-2018, the Saskatoon Police Service (SPS) released some records to the applicant and withheld others pursuant to several provisions including subsection 14(1)(m) of LA FOIP. SPS applied subsection 14(1)(m) of LA FOIP to two pages of the record which constituted a note from an officer to a prosecutor. It advised of special arrangements that may have been required in the courtroom based on the history of some of the individuals involved in the court proceeding. SPS asserted that the note revealed the security arrangements of the Court of King’s Bench building. Furthermore, that it would reveal patterns of security personnel at the Court. Upon review, the Commissioner found that the note only contained one suggestion about security for the Court of King’s Bench. In addition, there was no evidence that the suggestion had been relayed on to the Court or that the Court followed the suggestion. Finally, if the security measure had been followed, it would 353 Pearsall, Judy, Concise Oxford Dictionary, 10th Edition at p. 1224 (Oxford University Press). 354 Service Alberta, FOIP Guidelines and Practices: 2009 Edition, Chapter 4 p. 155.