Guide to LA FOIP-Chapter-5

Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. Guide to LA FOIP, Chapter 5, Third Party Information. Updated 22 February 2023. 47 There must be a public interest in disclosure of the information, not a private interest. Public interest is not black and white; it is a matter of degree. There is always a balance to be struck.122 In determining if there is a public interest, the following can be considered:123 • Whose interests would be affected by disclosure other than the third party. o Individual o General o Describe affected group • Does the information concern an event/proposal/incident/condition involving health, safety, or protection of the environment. o If so, what group in the public is affected by the event/proposal/incident/condition. • Is the event/proposal/incident/condition one which requires government approval. • Did it result in government enforcement activity or investigation. • Did it involve contravention or violation of standards in health, safety, and environmental protection. o Describe the extent of the danger or risk. o Who is affected by the danger or risk. • Has the danger or risk been alleviated. o To what extent o When o What was the degree of exposure to the danger or risk before it was alleviated o For how long • What was the impact of any past event/incident described in the record. o Describe the degree or extent. • What are the remaining effects or impacts. 122 AB IPC Order 096-002 at p. 17. 123 Information Commissioner of Canada resource, Investigator’s Guide to Interpreting the Act, Section 20(2), (5), (6): Questions – Disclosure Authorized in Public Interest. Available at Accessed September 4, 2019.