Guide to LA FOIP-Chapter 6

Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. Guide to LA FOIP, Chapter 6, Protection of Privacy. Updated 27 February 2023. 93 Subsection 23(2)(f) Interpretation 23(2) “Personal information” does not include information that discloses: … (f) expenses incurred by an individual travelling at the expense of a local authority; Expenses means costs incurred in the performance of a job or task.248 In this case, the job or task is travelling. An example is travel reimbursement for local authority employees (including contracted employees) and any individual.249 Expenses can include costs of flights, gas, meals, hotels, kilometer reimbursements for use of personal vehicles and parking fees. Other expenses may also be incurred. IPC Findings In Review Report 082-2017, the Commissioner found that travel reimbursement amounts found on an invoice of a former contracted employee was an expense incurred by the individual travelling at the expense of a local authority and was not personal information pursuant to subsection 23(2)(f) of LA FOIP. In addition, a page from a calendar indicated that one of the students used a personal vehicle while working for the local authority and the distance travelled. This was also found to not be personal information pursuant to subsection 23(2)(f) of LA FOIP. Subsection 23(3) Interpretation 23(3) Notwithstanding clauses 2(d) and (e), “personal information” includes information that: (a) is supplied by an individual to support an application for a discretionary benefit; and 248 Pearsall, Judy, Concise Oxford Dictionary, 10th Ed., (Oxford University Press) at p. 501. 249 SK OIPC Review Report 082-2017 at [40].