MLA Guide to Protecting Personal Information

Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. MLA Guide to Protecting Personal Information. Effective April 2018. Updated 9 July 2024. 9 in its possession or under its control. Reasonably Anticipated: Reasonable means what a reasonable person would consider appropriate in the circumstances. This standard acknowledges that reasonable does not mean ‘perfect’. Anticipated means to be aware of (a future event) and take action; regard as probable; look forward to; to act or happen before. Threat means the possibility of trouble or danger. Hazard means a danger or risk. Security means a condition of safety or freedom from fear or danger. In the context of personal information, it refers to the physical, technological, or administrative arrangements that persons or organizations use to prevent individually identifying personal information from being altered, lost, or disclosed without authority. Integrity refers to the condition of information being whole or complete; not modified, deleted, or corrupted. Unauthorized access occurs when individuals access personal information that they do not need-to-know, either by accident or on purpose. This would also qualify as either an unauthorized use or unauthorized disclosure depending on the circumstances. Need-to-know is the principle that an office should only collect, use or disclose personal information needed for authorized purposes. Personal information should only be available to those employees in an organization that have a legitimate need-to-know that information for fulfilling the purpose for which it was collected. For more on subsection 24.1(b) of FOIP, see the Guide to FOIP, Chapter 6, “Protection of Privacy” starting at page 109.