Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 2 Part 1: Name and Definitions....................................................................................................... 3 1-1 Name ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3 1-2 Words in Acts or Regulations .......................................................................................................................3 1-3 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................................ 3 Part 2: Procedure on Reviews Under FOIP and LA FOIP ........................................................... 5 2-1 Request for Review ........................................................................................................................................... 5 2-2 Early Resolution.................................................................................................................................................. 5 2-3 Notice of Review................................................................................................................................................ 5 2-4 Contents of Notice of Review .......................................................................................................................5 2-5 Request to Third Parties.................................................................................................................................. 6 2-6 Parties to a Review ............................................................................................................................................ 6 2-7 Index of Records ................................................................................................................................................ 7 2-8 Contents of a Representation .......................................................................................................................7 2-9 Records .................................................................................................................................................................. 8 2-10 Analysis of the Information Provided......................................................................................................8 2-11 Preparing a Report ......................................................................................................................................... 8 2-12 Report will be Posted .................................................................................................................................... 9 2-13Public body to Indicate Decision................................................................................................................9 2-14 Appeal to court ................................................................................................................................................ 9 2-15 Commissioner’s Office Shall Destroy the Record ...............................................................................9 Part 2.1: Priority Procedure on Reviews of Failure to Provide a Section 7 Decision............ 11 2.1-1 Request for Review of a Failure to Issue a Section 7 Decision Only........................................ 11 2.1-2 Early Resolution ........................................................................................................................................... 11 2.1-3 Notice of Review ......................................................................................................................................... 11 2.1-4 Contents of Notice of Review................................................................................................................. 11 2.1-5 Sharing a Representation......................................................................................................................... 12
2.1-6 Analysis and Report ................................................................................................................................... 12 2.1-7 Report will be Posted ................................................................................................................................ 13 2.1-8 Public Body to Indicate Decision........................................................................................................... 13 2.1-9 Appeal to Court ........................................................................................................................................... 13 Part 2.2: Priority Procedure on Reviews of Fees and Fee Waivers Only................................ 14 2.2-1 Request for Review of Fees or Failure to Waive Fees Only ......................................................... 14 2.2-2 Early Resolution ........................................................................................................................................... 14 2.2-3 Notice of Review ......................................................................................................................................... 14 2.2-4 Contents of Notice of Review................................................................................................................. 14 2.2-5 Sharing a Representation................................................................................................................... 15 2.2-6 Analysis and Report ................................................................................................................................... 15 2.2-7 Report will be Posted ................................................................................................................................ 16 2.2-8 Public body to Indicate Decision .......................................................................................................... 16 2.2-9 Appeal to Court ........................................................................................................................................... 16 Part 3: Procedure on Reviews Under HIPA ............................................................................... 17 3-1 Request for Review ........................................................................................................................................ 17 3-2 Early Resolution............................................................................................................................................... 17 3-3 Notice of Review............................................................................................................................................. 17 3-4 Contents of Notice of Review .................................................................................................................... 17 3-5 Request for Representations...................................................................................................................... 18 3-6 Index of Records ............................................................................................................................................. 18 3-7 Contents of a Representation .................................................................................................................... 18 3-8 Records............................................................................................................................................................... 19 3-9 Analysis of the information provided ..................................................................................................... 19 3-10 Preparing a Report ...................................................................................................................................... 20 3-11 Report will be Posted ................................................................................................................................. 20 3-12Trustee to Indicate Decision ..................................................................................................................... 20 3-13 Appeal to Court ............................................................................................................................................ 21 3-14 Commissioner’s Office Shall Destroy the Record ............................................................................ 21 Part 4: Procedure on Reported Privacy Breaches Under FOIP and LA FOIP.......................... 22
4-1 Reported Privacy Breaches ......................................................................................................................... 22 4-2 Notice of Investigation ................................................................................................................................. 22 4-3 When Investigating a Privacy Breach...................................................................................................... 22 4-4 Steps Taken by the Public Body, Minister’s Office or MLA’s Office............................................. 22 4-5 Privacy breach Notification and Questionnaire .................................................................................. 23 4-6 Closing of File Without Report .................................................................................................................. 23 4-7 Issuing a Report .............................................................................................................................................. 24 Part 5: Procedure on Reported Privacy Breaches Under HIPA ............................................... 25 5-1 Reported Privacy Breaches ......................................................................................................................... 25 5-2 Notice of Investigation ................................................................................................................................. 25 5-3 When Investigating a Privacy Breach...................................................................................................... 25 5-4 Steps Taken by the Trustee ........................................................................................................................ 25 5-5 Privacy Breach Notification and Questionnaire .................................................................................. 25 5-6 Closing of File Without a Report .............................................................................................................. 26 5-7 Issuing a Report .............................................................................................................................................. 26 Part 6: Procedure on Privacy Breach Investigations Under FOIP and LA FOIP ..................... 27 6-1 Complaint of Breach of Privacy ................................................................................................................. 27 6-2 Preliminary Inquiries...................................................................................................................................... 28 6-3 Notice of Investigation ................................................................................................................................. 28 6-4 Notice of Investigation and Questionnaire .......................................................................................... 28 6-5 Investigation of the Alleged Breach ........................................................................................................ 28 6-6 When Investigating a Complaint of a Privacy Breach....................................................................... 29 6-7 Steps Taken by Public Body, Minister’s Office or MLA’s Office .................................................... 29 6-8 Breach Notification and Questionnaire.................................................................................................. 29 6-9 Preparing a Report......................................................................................................................................... 30 6-10 Report will be Posted ................................................................................................................................. 30 6-11 Head to Indicate Decision......................................................................................................................... 31 6-12 Appeal to Court ............................................................................................................................................ 31 Part 7: Procedure on Privacy Breach Investigations Under HIPA .......................................... 32 7-1 Complaint of Breach of Privacy ................................................................................................................. 32
7-2 Preliminary Inquiries...................................................................................................................................... 33 7-3 Notice of Investigation ................................................................................................................................. 33 7-4 Notice of Investigation and Questionnaire .......................................................................................... 33 7-5 Investigation of the Complaint and Alleged Breach ......................................................................... 33 7-6 When Investigating a Complaint of a Breach ...................................................................................... 33 7-7 Steps Taken by Trustee ................................................................................................................................ 34 7-8 Breach Notification and Questionnaire.................................................................................................. 34 7-9 Preparing a Report......................................................................................................................................... 35 7-10 Report will be Posted ................................................................................................................................. 35 7-11 Trustee to Indicate Decision .................................................................................................................... 35 7-12 Appeal to Court ............................................................................................................................................ 36 Part 8: Information and Evidence .............................................................................................. 37 8-1 Commissioner’s Office will Communicate With the Parties or Interested Persons ............... 37 8-2 Providing Information in the Form of an Affidavit or Declaration............................................... 37 8-3 Refusal to Provide Information or Documents ................................................................................... 37 8-4 Commissioner’s Office will Make Inquiries ........................................................................................... 37 8-5 Party Requesting Oral Representations ................................................................................................. 37 Part 9: Solicitor-Client or Litigation Privilege .......................................................................... 39 9-1 Claiming Solicitor-Client or Litigation Privilege .................................................................................. 39 Part 9.1: Youth Criminal Justice Act – Young Offender .......................................................... 40 9.1-1 Claiming records protected by the YCJA ........................................................................................... 40 Part 9.2: Claims Under Sections 50 of FOIP, 39 of LA FOIP or 43 of HIPA ............................ 41 9.2-1 Requesting a review be discontinued ................................................................................................. 41 Part 10: Application to Disregard an Access to Information Request or a Request for Correction Under FOIP and LA FOIP ..................................................................................... 42 10-1 Head Applies to Disregard an Access to Information Request or a Request for Correction .............................................................................................................................................................................. 42 10-2 Head to Provide Information................................................................................................................... 42 10-3 Head to provide copy................................................................................................................................. 42 10-4 Parties to Application to Disregard ....................................................................................................... 43
10-5 Commissioner’s Office will Make Inquiries......................................................................................... 43 10-6 Priority of Application to Disregard ...................................................................................................... 43 10-7 Form of Commissioner’s Response ....................................................................................................... 43 10-8 Decision will be Posted .............................................................................................................................. 43 Part 11: Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) ................................................................................. 44 11.1 Party makes representations (submissions) and relies on AI ....................................................... 44 11.2 Al used to prepare representations (submissions)........................................................................... 44 Forms ............................................................................................................................................ 45 Form A: Index of Records .................................................................................................................................... 45 Form B: Affidavit of Records............................................................................................................................... 46 Form C: Notice to Produce Records ................................................................................................................ 49 Form D: Summons.................................................................................................................................................. 51 Form E: ........................................................................................................................................................................ 53
1 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. The Rules of Procedure. Effective 1 Dec. 2018. Updated 7 Jan. 2025.
2 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. The Rules of Procedure. Effective 1 Dec. 2018. Updated 7 Jan. 2025. Introduction This document sets out the Rules of Procedure for reviews /investigations (appeals) under sections 33 and 49 of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP), section 38 of The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (LA FOIP), and sections 42 and 52 of The Health Information Protection Act (HIPA) under the Acts. These procedures are established pursuant to section 45 of FOIP, which provides as follows: General powers of commissioner 45(2) The commissioner may: ... (d) determine the procedure to be followed in the exercise of the powers or performance of any duties of the commissioner pursuant to this Act; and Part Headings Part 1: Name and Definitions Part 2: Procedure on Reviews Under FOIP/LA FOIP Part 3: Procedure on Reviews Under HIPA Part 4: Procedure on Proactively Reported Privacy Breaches Under FOIP/LA FOIP Part 5: Procedure on Proactively Reported Privacy Breaches Under HIPA Part 6: Procedure on Privacy Breach Investigations Under FOIP/LA FOIP Part 7: Procedure on Privacy Breach Investigations Under HIPA Part 8: Information and Evidence Part 9: Solicitor-Client or Litigation Privilege Part 10: Application to Disregard an Access to Information Request or a Request for Correction Under FOIP/LA FOIP Forms
3 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. The Rules of Procedure. Effective 1 Dec. 2018. Updated 7 Jan. 2025. Part 1: Name and Definitions This Part contains definitions of words and phrases that appear in the rules. 1-1 Name These rules may be cited as the Rules of Procedure. 1-2 Words in Acts or Regulations Words used in these rules have the same meaning that they have under the Acts or Regulations and the following definitions are intended to clarify meanings of words as used in these rules. 1-3 Definitions In these rules: “access to information request” means a request for information under the Acts submitted to a public body either on paper or electronically; “Acts” means The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and The Health Information Protection Act and their regulations; “affected individual” means a person identified as having personal information or personal health information, being inappropriately collected used or disclosed in a privacy breach; “applicant” means: i except in Parts 2 and 3, a person or organization who makes an access to information request or a request for correction or amendment ii in Part 2, a person or organization who requests a review pursuant to section 49 of FOIP or section 38 of LA FOIP and iii in Part 3, a person who requests a review pursuant to section 42 of HIPA. “commissioner’s office” means the office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner and includes a staff person employed by the commissioner delegated to carry out certain duties of the commissioner. “complainant” means an individual who has made a complaint alleging a privacy breach has occurred that involves the complainant’s personal information or personal health information under the Acts.
4 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. The Rules of Procedure. Effective 1 Dec. 2018. Updated 7 Jan. 2025. “days” means calendar days. “FOIP” means The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; “HIPA” means The Health Information Protection Act; “Investigation” means an investigation pursuant to sections 33 and 51 of FOIP, sections 32 and 40 of LA FOIP or section 52 of HIPA. “LA FOIP” means The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; “public body” means a government institution, local authority or trustee involved in an investigation or a review; “real risk of significant harm” may, among other things, include bodily harm, humiliation, damage to reputation or relationships, loss of employment, business or professional opportunities, financial loss, identity theft, negative effects on the credit record and damage to or loss of property. “record” means a record as defined in FOIP, LA FOIP or HIPA. “representation” means the documents, other evidence and/statements or affidavits provided by a party to the commissioner’s office setting out its position with respect to a review or investigation and often referred to as a submission. “request for correction” means a request by the individual for correction of his or her personal information or personal health information; “request for review” means a request made pursuant to section 49 of FOIP, section 38 of LA FOIP or section 42 of HIPA; “review” means a review pursuant to sections 49 to 55 of FOIP, sections 38 to 44 of LA FOIP or sections 42 to 48 of HIPA; “section 7 decision” means the letter, notice or email provided by the head of a public body pursuant to section 7 of FOIP/LA FOIP; “section 36 decision” means the letter, notice or email provided by the trustee pursuant to section 36 of HIPA; “trustee” is a trustee, as defined by section 2(t) of HIPA.
5 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. The Rules of Procedure. Effective 1 Dec. 2018. Updated 7 Jan. 2025. Part 2: Procedure on Reviews Under FOIP and LA FOIP This Part outlines the procedure that the commissioner’s office will follow and require public bodies to follow when carrying out a request for a review under FOIP and LA FOIP. 2-1 Request for Review (1) A request for a review may be made in the prescribed form and may be filed with the commissioner’s office by email, regular mail, courier or personal delivery. (2) Once contact is made pursuant to subsection (1), the commissioner’s office will advise the applicant of any additional information required to support a review and the applicant will have 30 days, unless the commissioner determines otherwise, to provide that additional information. If the information is not provided in that time, the review will not continue unless the commissioner determines there are unique circumstances. 2-2 Early Resolution Before commencing a review, if a third party is involved, the commissioner’s office will ask the public body for third party contact information and request that the public body immediately give notice of review to any affected third parties pursuant to section 52 of FOIP or section 41 of LA FOIP. Once all the parties are identified, the commissioner’s office may attempt to resolve the matter by entering into discussions with the applicant, public body and any third party. 2-3 Notice of Review After the commissioner’s office determines that a matter cannot be resolved and the commissioner determines that a review will be undertaken of the head’s decision under FOIP/LA FOIP, the commissioner’s office will prepare a notice indicating that a review of the head’s decision will be undertaken. Notices will be forwarded electronically or by other means to the public body, the applicant and any engaged third parties. 2-4 Contents of Notice of Review (1) The notice of review will be prepared in accordance with FOIP/ LA FOIP and may include a request for the following: (a) Records for which an exemption is claimed: • An index of records (see Form A).
6 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. The Rules of Procedure. Effective 1 Dec. 2018. Updated 7 Jan. 2025. • The records at issue provided to the applicant in the same unaltered form as provided to the applicant with the addition of a sequential page number and if applicable, a severance number for each portion withheld. There is no need to provide the commissioner’s office with records released in full. • The records at issue responsive to the access to information request with no redactions and the record number or page number. (b) A written representation (submission). (c) Any other relevant information that the commissioner considers necessary for a full review. (2) The notice of review will indicate that all of the items requested in the notice of review are to be provided within 30 days, unless the commissioner determines otherwise. (3) The notice of review will indicate that the public body should in its representation (submission) address every exemption claimed in the head’s decision. Discretionary exemptions, not included in the head’s decision under FOIP/LAFOIP, will not be considered by the commissioner’s office unless there are exceptional circumstances. 2-5 Request to Third Parties At the time of sending out the notice of review to the public body, the commissioner’s office will send a request to third parties, known to the commissioner’s office, indicating they have a right to make representations to the commissioner’s office provided the representation is received within 30 days after receipt of the notice or any further time directed by the commissioner’s office. 2-6 Parties to a Review (1) The parties entitled to receive notice include the persons requesting a review and the public body. (2) If during the review, the commissioner’s office determines there are other third parties, the commissioner’s office will provide a notice of review to those third parties and will invite those third parties to make a representation within 30 days after receipt of the notice or any further time directed by the commissioner’s office. (3) From time to time, the commissioner’s office may identify a public body or other organization that may have an interest or concern regarding the records in question, and the commissioner’s office may request representations from any of those parties.
7 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. The Rules of Procedure. Effective 1 Dec. 2018. Updated 7 Jan. 2025. 2-7 Index of Records (1) The index of records provided by the public body shall include but is not limited to the following information: • Page number and sequential severance numbers. • The section or subsection numbers of the exemptions claimed for that record. • A general description of the record such as a letter, email, memo, note, agreement indicating who it was from, who it was sent to and the date. A sample of the index of records is contained in Form A. (2) The commissioner’s office will not provide a copy of the index of records to the applicant unless the public body agrees to its release. The commissioner’s office will ask the public body whether it wishes to share the index of records with other parties. 2-8 Contents of a Representation (1) A representation should include but is not limited to the following for each exemption relied on in the head’s decision or issue under review: (a) Refer to the exemptions that has been applied by section, subsection, clause and subclause. (b) List the record number, page numbers and redaction or severance numbers that the exemption applies to (group pages if the records are similar). (c) Refer to the applicable test(s) from the Guide to FOIP for that exemption. (d) Refer to the applicable test(s) from the Guide to LA FOIP for that exemption. (e) Provide positions for each part of the test and link these to the information in the record. (f) Provide any further materials necessary to support its position (i.e., affidavits, cases, reports, contracts, screen shots). (g) Provide reasons or justifications for the head’s decision regarding the issue in question including records do not exist, searches, possession or control, fees, waiver of fees, time extensions, transfers, manner of access or correction decisions. (2) Applicants, third parties and public bodies are encouraged in their representation to follow the tests, criteria and principles set out in the Guide to FOIP or Guide to LA FOIP. In addition, cite relevant court cases and decisions from Saskatchewan or other commissioners or ombudsmen across Canada who are responsible for overseeing access and privacy legislation in other jurisdictions.
8 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. The Rules of Procedure. Effective 1 Dec. 2018. Updated 7 Jan. 2025. (3) A representation shall not be disclosed to another party unless the party submitting the representation agrees that the representation or a portion thereof can be shared with another party. The commissioner’s office will ask parties whether they wish to share or exchange their representation with other parties. (4) In accordance with section 46 of FOIP, the commissioner may quote short passages from the representation in his report. 2-9 Records (1) The records will be provided to the commissioner’s office either in electronic or paper form, paginated with page numbers and if applicable sequential severance numbers that corresponds to the number given to that record in the index of records and a severance number for each line item severed with exemptions applied clearly noted. If the copy of the record provided does not reveal the content severed, then a separate clean copy must also be provided. There is no need to provide the IPC with records released in full. If the record is illegible, the commissioner’s office will ask for a copy that is legible or for a transcript of that record. (2) If a public body provides a record using white page redactions, the commissioner’s office will request that the record be provided using black-out or grey-out redactions. 2-10 Analysis of the Information Provided After the times set out in the notice of review or any extension granted by the commissioner’s office, the commissioner’s office will continue its analysis of the information or materials provided to it. If any information, requested in the notice of review is missing or clarification is needed, the commissioner’s office will make one request for that information from the applicant, public body or third party and then continue with its analysis. 2-11 Preparing a Report (1) If the commissioner’s office determines it requires additional relevant information to do its analysis, it will request that information from the public body, any other organization or individual it considers appropriate. (2) In order to avoid delay, the commissioner’s office will request the information by a certain date and if information was not provided by that date or another date directed by the commissioner’s office, the commissioner’s office will proceed with its analysis or exercise the commissioner’s powers under section 54 of FOIP or 43 of LA FOIP. (3) The commissioner’s office will proceed to prepare and issue its report.
9 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. The Rules of Procedure. Effective 1 Dec. 2018. Updated 7 Jan. 2025. (4) The commissioner may from time to time, determine that a report will be issued in two parts and when so doing, will indicate in Part 1 of the report that the report is being issued in two parts. An example of this is where an issue of jurisdiction might be addressed in Part 1. (5) The report will be sent to: • The applicant; the head of the public body and the FOIP coordinator or designate(s). • Any affected third parties. • The Deputy Minister of Justice and Executive Director, Chief Access and Privacy Officer of Integrated Justice Services. • Any other public body, organization or person the commissioner’s office considers appropriate. 2-12 Report will be Posted Unless the commissioner directs otherwise, seven days after the final report is sent to the parties, the report will be: • Posted on the commissioner’s office website. • Forwarded to CanLll. • Forwarded to the Saskatchewan Legislative Library. • Forwarded to other commissioners or ombudsmen across Canada who are responsible for overseeing federal, provincial or territorial access or privacy legislation. 2-13 Public body to Indicate Decision Pursuant to section 56 of FOIP and section 45 of LA FOIP, the head of the public body, within 30 days, shall indicate to the applicant and the commissioner’s office, their decision on the recommendations in the commissioner’s report. If the head fails to advise the commissioner’s office within 30 days, the commissioner will consider that there is no response to the report and will so state in the commissioner’s Annual Report, in accordance with subsection 62(2) of FOIP and subsection 52(2) of LA FOIP. 2-14 Appeal to court Pursuant to section 57 of FOIP or section 46 of LA FOIP, the applicant or the third party has the right to appeal the decision of the head to the Court of King’s Bench and the applicant, third party, public body or local authority involved will be asked to advise the commissioner’s office of any appeal. 2-15 Commissioner’s Office Shall Destroy the Record The commissioner’s office shall destroy the record which the public body has provided to the commissioner’s office, six months after the report was sent, unless:
10 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. The Rules of Procedure. Effective 1 Dec. 2018. Updated 7 Jan. 2025. • The commissioner’s office finds the matter has proceeded to the Court of King’s Bench, and in that case shall not destroy the record until the matter is no longer in the courts; or • The commissioner’s office determines there are unique circumstances that justify the record being retained.
11 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. The Rules of Procedure. Effective 1 Dec. 2018. Updated 7 Jan. 2025. Part 2.1: Priority Procedure on Reviews of Failure to Provide a Section 7 Decision This Part outlines the procedure that the commissioner’s office will follow and require public bodies and applicants to follow when carrying out a request for a review of a failure to issue a section 7 decision. 2.1-1 Request for Review of a Failure to Issue a Section 7 Decision Only A request for a review of a single issue related to a failure of a public body to issue a section 7 decision within legislated timelines may be made in the prescribed form and may be filed with the commissioner’s office by email, regular mail, courier or personal delivery. 2.1-2 Early Resolution (1) Once it is confirmed that the section 7 decision was not provided within legislated timelines, the commissioner’s office will attempt to resolve the matter by entering into discussions with the applicant and public body. Early resolution efforts will be initiated and completed within 14 days after which, if unsuccessful, the commissioner’s office will move to the next step. (2) If the public body within the 14 days provides proof that a section 7 decision has been provided to the applicant, the commissioner will consider discontinuing the review unless there are unique circumstances that would justify issuing a report. 2.1-3 Notice of Review After the commissioner’s office determines that a matter cannot be resolved and the commissioner determines that a review will be undertaken, the commissioner’s office will prepare a notice indicating that a review will be undertaken. Notices will be forwarded electronically or by other means to the public body and the applicant. 2.1-4 Contents of Notice of Review (1) The notice of review will be prepared in accordance with FOIP/ LA FOIP and may include a request for the following: (a) If it exists, a copy of the section 7 decision related to the access request. (b) An index of records. (c) The original record with redactions related to any exemptions claimed. (d) The original record referred to in the access request without redactions.
12 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. The Rules of Procedure. Effective 1 Dec. 2018. Updated 7 Jan. 2025. (e) A written representation (submission). (f) Any other relevant information that the commissioner considers necessary for a full review. (4) The notice of review will indicate that all of the items requested in the notice of review are to be provided within 30 days unless the commissioner determines otherwise. (5) The notice of review will indicate that the public body should in its representation (submission) address the reasons why a section 7 decision has not been issued and more particularly why the decision was not issued within 30 days of receiving the access request. In addition, the public body should in its representation (submission) address every exemption claimed in the head’s decision. Discretionary exemptions, not included in the head’s decision under FOIP/LAFOIP, will not be considered by the commissioner’s office unless there are exceptional circumstances. 2.1-5 Sharing a Representation (5) The index of records and any representation shall not be disclosed to another party unless the party submitting the index of records or representation agrees that the representation or a portion thereof can be shared with another party. The commissioner’s office will ask parties whether they wish to share or exchange their representation with other parties. (6) In accordance with section 46 of FOIP, the commissioner may quote short passages from the representation in his report. 2.1-6 Analysis and Report (1) After the times set out in the notice of review from the commissioner’s office, the commissioner’s office will continue its analysis of the information or materials provided to it. (2) If the commissioner’s office requests additional information by a certain date and if information was not provided by that date or another date directed by the commissioner’s office, the commissioner’s office will proceed with its analysis or exercise the commissioner’s powers under section 54 of FOIP or section 43 of LA FOIP. (3) The commissioner’s office will proceed to prepare and issue its report. (4) The report will be sent to: • The applicant; the head of the public body and the FOIP coordinator or designate(s). • The Deputy Minister of Justice and Executive Director, Chief Access and Privacy Officer of Integrated Justice Services.
13 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. The Rules of Procedure. Effective 1 Dec. 2018. Updated 7 Jan. 2025. • Any other public body, organization or person the commissioner’s office considers appropriate. 2.1-7 Report will be Posted Unless the commissioner directs otherwise, seven days after the final report is sent to the parties, the report will be: • Posted on the commissioner’s office website. • Forwarded to CanLll. • Forwarded to the Saskatchewan Legislative Library. 2.1-8 Public Body to Indicate Decision Pursuant to section 56 of FOIP and section 45 of LA FOIP, the head of the public body, within 30 days, shall indicate to the applicant and the commissioner’s office, their decision on the recommendations in the commissioner’s report. If the head fails to advise the commissioner’s office within 30 days, the commissioner will consider that there is no response to the report and will so state in the commissioner’s Annual Report, in accordance with subsection 62(2) of FOIP and subsection 52(2) of LA FOIP. 2.1-9 Appeal to Court Pursuant to section 57 of FOIP or section 46 of LA FOIP, the applicant has the right to appeal the decision of the head to the Court of King’s Bench and the applicant, public body or local authority involved will be asked to advise the commissioner’s office of any appeal.
14 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. The Rules of Procedure. Effective 1 Dec. 2018. Updated 7 Jan. 2025. Part 2.2: Priority Procedure on Reviews of Fees and Fee Waivers Only This Part outlines the procedure that the commissioner’s office will follow and require public bodies and applicants to follow when carrying out a request for a review of fees or fee waivers. 2.2-1 Request for Review of Fees or Failure to Waive Fees Only A request for a review of: (a) A complaint that fees are unreasonable; and/or (b) A failure to waive fees, may be made in the prescribed form and may be filed with the commissioner’s office by email, regular mail, courier or personal delivery. 2.2-2 Early Resolution (1) The commissioner’s office may attempt to resolve the matter by entering into discussions with the applicant and public body. It is expected that early resolution efforts will be initiated and completed within 14 days after which the commissioner’s office will move to the next step. (2) If the public body within the 14 days: (a) Adjusts the fee quoted which is accepted by the applicant; and/or (b) Grants the fee waiver request, the commissioner will consider discontinuing the review unless there are unique circumstances that would justify issuing a report. 2.2-3 Notice of Review After the commissioner’s office determines that a matter cannot be resolved and the commissioner determines that a review will be undertaken, the commissioner’s office will prepare a notice indicating that a review will be undertaken. Notices will be forwarded electronically or by other means to the public body and the applicant. 2.2-4 Contents of Notice of Review (1) The notice of review will be prepared in accordance with FOIP/ LA FOIP and may include a request for the following: (a) A written representation (submission).
15 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. The Rules of Procedure. Effective 1 Dec. 2018. Updated 7 Jan. 2025. (b) Any other relevant information that the commissioner considers necessary for a full review. (2) The notice of review will indicate that all of the items requested in the notice of review are to be provided within 30 days unless the commissioner determines otherwise. (3) The notice of review will indicate that the public body should in its representation (submission) address: (a) The reasons for and the approach taken in calculating the fees quoted for providing the records under the access request. (b) The reasons for not granting the fee waiver. 2.2-5 Sharing a Representation (1) A representation shall not be disclosed to another party unless the party submitting the representation agrees that the representation or a portion thereof can be shared with another party. The commissioner’s office will ask parties whether they wish to share or exchange their representation with other parties. (2) In accordance with section 46 of FOIP, the commissioner may quote short passages from the representation in his report. 2.2-6 Analysis and Report (1) After the times set out in the notice of review from the commissioner’s office, the commissioner’s office will continue its analysis of the information or materials provided to it. (2) In order to avoid delay, the commissioner’s office will request the information by a certain date and if information was not provided by that date or another date directed by the commissioner’s office, the commissioner’s office will proceed with its analysis or exercise the commissioner’s powers under section 54 of FOIP or 43 of LA FOIP. (3) The commissioner’s office will proceed to prepare and issue its report. (4) The report will be sent to: • The applicant; the head of the public body and the FOIP coordinator or designate(s). • The Deputy Minister of Justice and Executive Director, Chief Access and Privacy Officer of Integrated Justice Services. • Any other public body, organization or person the commissioner’s office considers appropriate.
16 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. The Rules of Procedure. Effective 1 Dec. 2018. Updated 7 Jan. 2025. 2.2-7 Report will be Posted Unless the commissioner directs otherwise, seven days after the final report is sent to the parties, the report will be: • Posted on the commissioner’s office website. • Forwarded to CanLll. • Forwarded to the Saskatchewan Legislative Library. 2.2-8 Public body to Indicate Decision Pursuant to section 56 of FOIP and section 45 of LA FOIP, the head of the public body, within 30 days, shall indicate to the applicant and the commissioner’s office, their decision on the recommendations in the commissioner’s report. If the head fails to advise the commissioner’s office within 30 days, the commissioner will consider that there is no response to the report and will so state in the commissioner’s Annual Report, in accordance with subsection 62(2) of FOIP and subsection 52(2) of LA FOIP. 2.2-9 Appeal to Court Pursuant to section 57 of FOIP or section 46 of LA FOIP, the applicant has the right to appeal the decision of the head to the Court of King’s Bench and the applicant, public body or local authority involved will be asked to advise the commissioner’s office of any appeal.
17 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. The Rules of Procedure. Effective 1 Dec. 2018. Updated 7 Jan. 2025. Part 3: Procedure on Reviews Under HIPA This Part outlines the procedure that the commissioner’s office will follow and require trustees to follow when carrying out a request for a review under HIPA. 3-1 Request for Review (1) A request for a review may be made and filed with the commissioner’s office by email, regular mail, courier or personal delivery. (2) Once contact is made pursuant to subsection (1), the commissioner’s office will advise the applicant of any additional information required to support a review and the applicant will have 30 days, unless the commissioner determines otherwise, to provide that additional information. If the information is not provided in that time, the review will not continue unless the commissioner determines there are unique circumstances. 3-2 Early Resolution Before commencing a review, the commissioner’s office may attempt to resolve the matter by entering into discussions with the applicant, trustee and any third party. 3-3 Notice of Review After the commissioner’s office determines that a matter cannot be resolved and the commissioner determines that a review will be undertaken of the trustee’s decision under HIPA, the commissioner’s office will prepare a notice of review indicating that a review of the trustee’s decision will be undertaken. Notices will be forwarded electronically or by other means to the trustee and the applicant. 3-4 Contents of Notice of Review (1) The notice of review will be prepared in accordance with HIPA and may include a request for the following: (a) Records for which the trustee refuses to release: • An index of records (see Form A). • The records at issue provided to the applicant in the same unaltered form as provided to the applicant but paginated with the addition of page numbers and if applicable sequential severance numbers and exemptions applied to each visible. There is no need to provide the IPC with records released in full. • The records at issue responsive to the access to information request with no sequential severances paginated.
18 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. The Rules of Procedure. Effective 1 Dec. 2018. Updated 7 Jan. 2025. (b) A written representation (submission). (c) Any other relevant information that the commissioner considers necessary for a full review. (2) The notice of review will indicate that all the items requested are to be provided within 30 days, unless the commissioner determines otherwise. (3) The notice of review will indicate that the trustee should in its representation (submission) address the issues raised in the trustee’s decision. 3-5 Request for Representations From time to time, the commissioner’s office may identify a public body or other organization that may have an interest or concern regarding the records or issues in question, and the commissioner’s office may request representations from any of those parties provided the representation is received within 30 days after receipt of the notice or any further time directed by the commissioner’s office. 3-6 Index of Records (1) The index of records provided by the trustee shall include, but is not limited to the following information: • Page number and sequential severance numbers; • The section or subsection numbers of the exemptions claimed for that record; and • A general description of the record such as a letter, email, memo, note, agreement indicating who it was from, who it was sent to and the date. A sample of the index of records is contained in Form A. (2) The commissioner’s office will not provide a copy of the index of records to the applicant unless the trustee agrees to its release. The commissioner’s office will ask the trustee whether it wishes to share the index of records with other parties. 3-7 Contents of a Representation (1) A representation should include but is not limited to the following for each reason relied on in the trustee’s decision or issue under review: (a) List the page numbers and sequential severance numbers that the exemption applies to (group pages if the records are similar). (b) Refer to the test from the Guide to HIPA, where appropriate. (c) Provide positions for each reason to withhold and link the argument to the information in the record.