6 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. The Rules of Procedure. Effective 1 Dec. 2018. Updated 7 Jan. 2025. • The records at issue provided to the applicant in the same unaltered form as provided to the applicant with the addition of a sequential page number and if applicable, a severance number for each portion withheld. There is no need to provide the commissioner’s office with records released in full. • The records at issue responsive to the access to information request with no redactions and the record number or page number. (b) A written representation (submission). (c) Any other relevant information that the commissioner considers necessary for a full review. (2) The notice of review will indicate that all of the items requested in the notice of review are to be provided within 30 days, unless the commissioner determines otherwise. (3) The notice of review will indicate that the public body should in its representation (submission) address every exemption claimed in the head’s decision. Discretionary exemptions, not included in the head’s decision under FOIP/LAFOIP, will not be considered by the commissioner’s office unless there are exceptional circumstances. 2-5 Request to Third Parties At the time of sending out the notice of review to the public body, the commissioner’s office will send a request to third parties, known to the commissioner’s office, indicating they have a right to make representations to the commissioner’s office provided the representation is received within 30 days after receipt of the notice or any further time directed by the commissioner’s office. 2-6 Parties to a Review (1) The parties entitled to receive notice include the persons requesting a review and the public body. (2) If during the review, the commissioner’s office determines there are other third parties, the commissioner’s office will provide a notice of review to those third parties and will invite those third parties to make a representation within 30 days after receipt of the notice or any further time directed by the commissioner’s office. (3) From time to time, the commissioner’s office may identify a public body or other organization that may have an interest or concern regarding the records in question, and the commissioner’s office may request representations from any of those parties.