Rules of Procedure

11 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. The Rules of Procedure. Effective 1 Dec. 2018. Updated 7 Jan. 2025. Part 2.1: Priority Procedure on Reviews of Failure to Provide a Section 7 Decision This Part outlines the procedure that the commissioner’s office will follow and require public bodies and applicants to follow when carrying out a request for a review of a failure to issue a section 7 decision. 2.1-1 Request for Review of a Failure to Issue a Section 7 Decision Only A request for a review of a single issue related to a failure of a public body to issue a section 7 decision within legislated timelines may be made in the prescribed form and may be filed with the commissioner’s office by email, regular mail, courier or personal delivery. 2.1-2 Early Resolution (1) Once it is confirmed that the section 7 decision was not provided within legislated timelines, the commissioner’s office will attempt to resolve the matter by entering into discussions with the applicant and public body. Early resolution efforts will be initiated and completed within 14 days after which, if unsuccessful, the commissioner’s office will move to the next step. (2) If the public body within the 14 days provides proof that a section 7 decision has been provided to the applicant, the commissioner will consider discontinuing the review unless there are unique circumstances that would justify issuing a report. 2.1-3 Notice of Review After the commissioner’s office determines that a matter cannot be resolved and the commissioner determines that a review will be undertaken, the commissioner’s office will prepare a notice indicating that a review will be undertaken. Notices will be forwarded electronically or by other means to the public body and the applicant. 2.1-4 Contents of Notice of Review (1) The notice of review will be prepared in accordance with FOIP/ LA FOIP and may include a request for the following: (a) If it exists, a copy of the section 7 decision related to the access request. (b) An index of records. (c) The original record with redactions related to any exemptions claimed. (d) The original record referred to in the access request without redactions.