18 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. The Rules of Procedure. Effective 1 Dec. 2018. Updated 7 Jan. 2025. (b) A written representation (submission). (c) Any other relevant information that the commissioner considers necessary for a full review. (2) The notice of review will indicate that all the items requested are to be provided within 30 days, unless the commissioner determines otherwise. (3) The notice of review will indicate that the trustee should in its representation (submission) address the issues raised in the trustee’s decision. 3-5 Request for Representations From time to time, the commissioner’s office may identify a public body or other organization that may have an interest or concern regarding the records or issues in question, and the commissioner’s office may request representations from any of those parties provided the representation is received within 30 days after receipt of the notice or any further time directed by the commissioner’s office. 3-6 Index of Records (1) The index of records provided by the trustee shall include, but is not limited to the following information: • Page number and sequential severance numbers; • The section or subsection numbers of the exemptions claimed for that record; and • A general description of the record such as a letter, email, memo, note, agreement indicating who it was from, who it was sent to and the date. A sample of the index of records is contained in Form A. (2) The commissioner’s office will not provide a copy of the index of records to the applicant unless the trustee agrees to its release. The commissioner’s office will ask the trustee whether it wishes to share the index of records with other parties. 3-7 Contents of a Representation (1) A representation should include but is not limited to the following for each reason relied on in the trustee’s decision or issue under review: (a) List the page numbers and sequential severance numbers that the exemption applies to (group pages if the records are similar). (b) Refer to the test from the Guide to HIPA, where appropriate. (c) Provide positions for each reason to withhold and link the argument to the information in the record.