52 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. The Rules of Procedure. Effective 1 Dec. 2018. Updated 7 Jan. 2025. Date: ___________________, 20____ Time: 10:00 a.m. and so, from day to day until the above matter is adjourned and if the matter is adjourned to attend on the date to which it is adjourned. You are required to bring with you and produce at that time and place the following documents and items (all documents related to the Access to Information Request [insert public body file number] dated ________ 20__ including the following: (List any documents specifically required) NOTICE ON CHOICE OF OATH: When you attend to the Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner, you will be offered the choice of swearing an oath or making an affirmation. An affirmation is a non-religious promise to tell the truth. An oath can be taken in any way that is consistent with your religious beliefs, so long as you take an oath, which binds your conscience to tell the truth. If you wish to give your evidence by swearing an oath upon a holy text other than the Christian Bible, Jewish Bible, Koran or Bhagavad-Gita (which are readily available), contact the Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner to confirm that the holy text of your choice is available. Alternatively, you may bring with you any religious symbol or holy text and advise the Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner, prior to the matter commencing, how you wish to take your oath. ISSUED at Regina, Saskatchewan, this ____________ day of _____________, 20______. _______________________________________________ Information and Privacy Commissioner (Affix Seal) Ronald J. Kruzeniski, K.C.