Rules of Procedure

3 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. The Rules of Procedure. Effective 1 Dec. 2018. Updated 7 Jan. 2025. Part 1: Name and Definitions This Part contains definitions of words and phrases that appear in the rules. 1-1 Name These rules may be cited as the Rules of Procedure. 1-2 Words in Acts or Regulations Words used in these rules have the same meaning that they have under the Acts or Regulations and the following definitions are intended to clarify meanings of words as used in these rules. 1-3 Definitions In these rules: “access to information request” means a request for information under the Acts submitted to a public body either on paper or electronically; “Acts” means The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and The Health Information Protection Act and their regulations; “affected individual” means a person identified as having personal information or personal health information, being inappropriately collected used or disclosed in a privacy breach; “applicant” means: i except in Parts 2 and 3, a person or organization who makes an access to information request or a request for correction or amendment ii in Part 2, a person or organization who requests a review pursuant to section 49 of FOIP or section 38 of LA FOIP and iii in Part 3, a person who requests a review pursuant to section 42 of HIPA. “commissioner’s office” means the office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner and includes a staff person employed by the commissioner delegated to carry out certain duties of the commissioner. “complainant” means an individual who has made a complaint alleging a privacy breach has occurred that involves the complainant’s personal information or personal health information under the Acts.