10 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. Sample Operational Policy Access to Information and Checklist. Updated 06 November. 2024. Day 2 30 Calendar Days to Respond Thirty-day clock starts The thirty days start the day after the request is received by the local authority. See LA FOIP s. 7 Check to see if a waiver of fees has been requested. ☐ Y ☐ N ☐ N/A If a waiver has been requested, need to ensure that the applicant has provided what is needed in order to make a decision to grant. If not, immediately advise the applicant what is needed. See LA FOIP Regulations s. 8. Develop a search strategy: identify the area(s) of your local authority that may have responsive records and discuss the request with staff in the area(s). ☐ Y ☐ N ☐ N/A Do not forget to search for responsive records in the local authority’s possession and control (e.g., contractors; storage off site). Remind program/branch areas of the serious nature of access requests and that search efforts should include all responsive records. Only share the identity of the applicant with those with a need-to-know Determine whether clarification from the applicant will be required to process the request. ☐ Y ☐ N ☐ N/A If clarification is required, try to contact the applicant by telephone immediately. If unable to reach the applicant, send a clarification letter outlining the details required to process the request. See LA FOIP s. 5.1, the duty to assist which requires a local authority to act openly, honestly and accurately with the applicant. This means making phone calls to the applicant to understand or narrow the request. Consider if request may need to be transferred to another government institution or local authority, in accordance with LA FOIP. ☐ Y ☐ N ☐ N/A Transfers must occur within 15 days of receipt by the local authority. See LA FOIP ss. 7(1)(b) and s. 11.