3 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. Sample Operational Policy Access to Information and Checklist. Updated 06 November. 2024. recorded information in the possession or under the control of the Municipality is a record. LA FOIP – The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Personal Information – means information about an identifiable individual of a personal nature which may include but is not limited to: information about an individual’s race; religion; family status; age; birthdate; place of origin; employment or criminal history; financial information; health services number; driver’s license number; social insurance number; home address, email address or telephone number; physical or mental condition of an individual; an individual’s personal views or opinions except where they are about another individual (LA FOIP s. 23(1)). Possession – physical possession plus a measure of control of the record. Privacy – is the right to keep certain information private; freedom from unauthorized access to, use, or disclosure of one’s personal information. Record – means a record of information in any form and includes information that is written, photographed, recorded, digitized or stored in any manner, but does not include computer programs or other mechanisms that produce records (LA FOIP s. 2(1)(j)). Third Party – means a person or company other than the Municipality or the applicant (LA FOIP s. 2(1)(k)). 4. Policy LA FOIP and The Cities Act, The Municipalities Act or The Northern Municipalities Act, 2010 determine the Municipality’s obligations to provide access to information in the Municipality’s possession or under its control. Every individual including employee and contractor with access to Municipal information, as a result of their employment or contract with the Municipality, is responsible for managing that information in accordance with this policy. Also, to the extent that an elected official is engaged in carrying out the mandate or functions of the Municipality, then LA FOIP most likely will apply to those records.