4 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. Sample Operational Policy Access to Information and Checklist. Updated 06 November. 2024. 4.1 Access to Information Pursuant to LA FOIP, an individual has the right to request access to any information in the possession or under the control of the Municipality unless specific and limited reasons apply in which it may be withheld. The Municipality has a duty to assist in providing as much information as possible to the applicant while ensuring confidential information including personal and third party information is protected in accordance with LA FOIP. 4.2 Informal Requests Informal requests are handled by the employee responsible for the information, in consultation with the administrator as necessary. When these types of requests are made, consider the application of section 53.2 of LA FOIP. 4.3 Formal Requests An applicant who wishes to make a formal request under LA FOIP is to complete the Access to Information Request Form available on the IPC’s website or makes a request in writing by email or letter stating the request is being made under LA FOIP. The applicant is to send the request confidentially to the administrator. If an employee receives the formal access request, it should be immediately forwarded to the person with delegated responsibility to process access to information requests. Formal requests are to be handled confidentially and immediately on receipt. The name of the applicant should be kept confidential and only shared on a need-to-know basis. Formal access to information requests are subject to a $20.00 application fee pursuant to LA FOIP Regs. Processing fees are determined in accordance with LA FOIP Regs.