6 Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. Sample Operational Policy Access to Information and Checklist. Updated 06 November. 2024. When determining whether to apply discretionary exemptions, the head will exercise good faith in balancing the legitimate business or legal concerns of the Municipality and the principles of open government. 4.7 Reviews An applicant who is not satisfied with how the Municipality has processed an access to information request may apply to the IPC by emailing intake@oipc.sk.ca for a review of the matter. The Municipality will cooperate with the IPC in the conduct of the review. The Municipality will work with the IPC, the applicant, and any third parties to come to an acceptable review result, whenever possible. The head will determine whether to comply or not comply with any recommendations of the IPC following a review, with regard for the requirements of LA FOIP, the public interest, mandate of the Municipality and the principles of open government. If the applicant and/or third party are not satisfied with the head’s decision to comply or not comply with the recommendation of the IPC, they can appeal that decision to the Court of King’s Bench. 4.8 Open government The Municipality is committed to supporting the concepts of transparency, accountability, accessibility and participation and as such is committed to proactively providing information. 5. Roles and Responsibilities The administrator is responsible for: • Corporate information, including personal information in the possession or control of the Municipality of its residents and employees, etc.