Sample Section 7 Decisions-LA FOIP

Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. Sample Section 7 Decisions for Local Authorities. 3 March 2025. 7 SAMPLE LETTER – Denying access to all responsive records (subsection 7(2)(d) of LA FOIP) [Date] [Applicant’s name and address] Dear [Applicant’s name]: Re: Access to information request [Local authority’s file number for access request] Thank you for your access to information request received by our office on [insert date the access request was received] via [insert how received (e.g., via email, mail, fax, in person)] where you requested: [Insert quote of access request and time period] This letter is a notice pursuant to subsection 7(2)(d) of The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Specifically, this letter to advise you that we identified [insert total number responsive records] pages of records responsive to your access request. Access to all the responsive records is refused under [cite the subsections in Part III and/or IV of LA FOIP and the reasons for refusing access. This can include explaining the nature of the information that was withheld. [For example, “the personal information of third party individuals was withheld pursuant to subsection 28(1) of LA FOIP”]. If you believe your access request has not been answered completely or that you require further clarification, please contact [insert name of Access Officer] at [insert telephone number of Access Officer and email address]. You may ask the Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC) to review any matter concerning this response to your access request within one year of this notice. If you wish to request a review, you may complete a “Request for Review” form and enclose: 1) a copy of this letter; and 2) copy of your original request and send it to: Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner 503 – 1801 Hamilton Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4P 4B4 You may also instead submit the form and enclosures electronically to the IPC at You may obtain a copy of the “Request for Review” form at If you require a copy of the “Request for Review” form to be sent to you, please call the IPC at 306-787-8350. Sincerely, [Name] [Title]