Technologys Impact Upon Employee Privacy

Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Saskatchewan. Technology’s Impact Upon Employee Privacy. Updated 14 May 2024. 2 Examples of Employee Monitoring Activities Location-Based Tracking The location of employees can be tracked through technologies such as Global Positioning System (GPS) devices, radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips and device identifiers such as the media access control (MAC) address and Internet Protocol (IP) address. GPS GPS is a satellite-based radio navigation system1. Many devices have GPS capabilities that can reveal the longitude, latitude and altitude of the device. Organizations can track the location of their employees through GPS devices, including by installing GPS devices into vehicles or tracking mobile devices. RFID Chips An RFID chip reader broadcasts a radio, which prompts a nearby RFID chip to transmit data to the chip reader.2 RFID chips with a unique serial number are often installed into employee badges. The RFID chips become activated when an RFID chip reader is nearby. Organizations can use RFID chips and RFID readers to track employee attendance and location. Device Identifiers Devices that connect to networks have identifiers such as the MAC address and an IP address. In a workplace where wireless access points are setup, organizations can track employees’ mobile devices as employees move around in the workplace. Tracking Employee Activity Organizations manage and secure their IT systems by using software to monitor activities that are occurring on their network. However, organizations may use such software for secondary purposes such as monitoring employee activity (personal Internet usage, recording keystrokes, etc.) to determine employee engagement and productivity. Another method of tracking employee activity is through a system’s auditing capabilities. Auditing features may record how employees have interacted with information stored within a system. Typical uses of auditing features include ensuring employees are only accessing information on a need-to-know basis. Before proceeding to use auditing features to track employee activities, organizations should conduct a privacy impact assessment, which is discussed further below. 1 The Global Positioning System. Official U.S. government information about the Global Positioning System (GPS) and related topics. 2 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology. Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.