Technologys Impact Upon Employee Privacy

Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Saskatchewan. Technology’s Impact Upon Employee Privacy. Updated 14 May 2024. 4 emphasized the importance of ensuring the use of AI systems in an employment context is human-centric and that organizations comply with privacy laws when using AI. This includes ensuring fairness and transparency in processing personal data, and ensuring individuals have a right to access information about what data is held by an employee and how their personal data is used in connection with AIassisted decisions. Guidelines If government institutions and local authorities are contemplating projects, programs or activities that involve employee personal information, they are required to do the following: 1) Identify the purpose for the collection, use and/or disclosure of employee personal information. a. This includes identifying the least amount of personal information that is necessary, reasonable, and required to achieve the purpose. 2) Identify the legal authority for the collection, use, and/or disclosure of employee personal information. 3) Establish policies and procedures that address the following: a. How employee personal information will be collected, used and/or disclosed. i. This includes exploring and identifying the least privacy-intrusive method of collecting, using and/or disclosing personal information. b. How employee personal information will be safeguarded. c. Who can access employee personal information and under what circumstance they can do so. d. Retention periods for employee personal information. e. How employee personal information will be disposed once the retention period is fulfilled. f. A process for responding to privacy questions and complaints from employees. g. A process for responding to access to information requests and correction requests under FOIP and LA FOIP. h. Establish governance and accountability mechanisms to ensure policies and procedures are being following. This includes setting internal checks and balances are in place to prevent the improper collection, use and/or disclosure of personal information beyond the identified purposes. 4) Provide training on the above policies and procedures to employees on an annual basis so that employees are aware of how their personal information is being collected, used and/or disclosed. a. Employees should be informed of electronic monitoring tools and AI systems being used and for which purposes.