Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. Use of Drones – Guidelines for Municipal Police Services. Effective 3 Oct. 2023. 5 Evaluation and Audit of Drone Technology Once a municipal police service has implemented the use of drone technology, it will need to regularly conduct audits to ensure employees are following policies and procedures. The audit should reveal any issues with compliance. For example, it may reveal an employee is accessing the footage, but they do not have a professional “needto-know” for viewing it. The municipal police should address the issues in a timely fashion to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of the record. As well, the municipal police service should regularly evaluate if the use of drone technology is a necessary practice. The evaluation could consider the frequency in which it uses drone technology, for what purposes and the effectiveness of using drone technology to achieve the purposes. IPC Consultation Process Our office will provide feedback on a PIA or drafted policies and procedures as part of a consultation process. If you are considering using drone technology, you can submit your PIA and/or drafted policies to our office for consultation. While our office prefers that we are provided the opportunity to provide consultative advice prior to the implementation of a program or practice, our office may provide comments on programs or practices already in place. For more information on the consultation process, please see under the For Public Bodies tab: Contact Information If you have any questions or concerns about these guidelines or if you would like to request an investigation or review involving video surveillance, please contact us: 306-787-8350 | toll free 1-877-748-2298 503 – 1801 Hamilton Street | Regina SK S4P 4B4 | | @SaskIPC