What to Expect During a Review with the IPC

Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. What to Expect During a Review With the IPC. Updated September 2024. 7 2. Once the Analyst receives the records and submission, they: a. Review the submission for completeness and missing documentation or records and follow up with the public body/trustee as required. For more on communicating with the Analyst regarding information required and evidence, see PART 8 of IPC’s Rules of Procedure. b. Share the index of records with the applicant if the public body agrees to this. c. If the public body/trustee provides permission, the Analyst shares the submission with the applicant. If the public body does not mention in its submission that the index or the submission may be shared, the Analyst may ask the public body if it can be shared. The Analyst does not share a submission with an applicant without the public body’s or trustee’s permission. To eliminate doubt, public bodies/trustees may consider clearly marking submissions as “Submissions Can be Shared” or “Submissions Cannot be Shared”. 3. The Analyst undertakes their analysis and completes the review report. Once completed, the Analyst reviews it with the DoC or EDoC, then the DC and Commissioner. Analysts will contact public bodies/trustees before a report is issued if they have any questions or require any clarification regarding the factual circumstances of the review. In some limited circumstances, our office may exercise discretion to provide excerpts or an entire draft report to public bodies/trustees and invite them to comment on any factual errors before issuing a final report. All final findings and recommendations are made by the Commissioner unless decision making is delegated to the DC. 4. Note that throughout the review and analysis stage, the Analyst may attempt to resolve certain reviewable issues if the opportunity arises. For example, if a public body agrees to share its submission with an applicant, the applicant may be satisfied with the public body’s arguments on a reviewable issue (e.g., an exemption it applied or its search strategy), and indicate they no longer want that issue reviewed. As a result, in consultation with the DC and Commissioner, the issue may be considered resolved and dropped from the review. In such cases, the Analyst notifies both the Applicant and the public body/trustee. V. Final Report 1. The Commissioner issues a final review report for every review file that is not otherwise resolved. Analysts send final copies of the review report to parties as follows: • Public body/trustee (typically in care of the Access and Privacy Coordinator or designate) • Applicant